Introducing Kaizen, a makemepulse Studio Project

An introduction by Nicolas Rajabaly.

As Co-Founder and CCO, I take immense pride in the work we do at makemepulse. Each project we undertake represents not just a creative endeavor, but a reflection of our values, principles, and the journey that has led us here.

These projects, including our latest creative exploration, Kaizen, resonate deeply with me on a personal level. They harken back to my days at the Gobelins School in Paris, where I was immersed in a world of boundless creativity and healthy competition. Every year, we embarked on team projects that pushed the limits of our imagination and tested our abilities to innovate and collaborate effectively.

Those moments at Gobelins were more than just assignments; they were a testament to the power of teamwork, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. As someone who has always valued being part of a team, those experiences hold a special place in my heart. They taught me the importance of generosity, teamwork, and supporting one another through both triumphs and challenges.Kaizen, our latest studio project, has been about bringing together the talents of our whole team to create something truly remarkable. 

Too often passion projects are beauty parades, we wanted Kaizen to be more than that. Yes, we wanted to create something visually and technically ground breaking, but also a representation of the collaborative spirit and culture and standards we bring to every relationship. Derived from the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement, Kaizen serves as a digital representation of our commitment to pushing the boundaries of digital storytelling.

In this immersive interactive narrative experience, users embark on a journey alongside a curious child guided by her inner voice, "Inspiration." Each scene of Kaizen offers a profound exploration of values that lie at the core of our company ethos. At makemepulse, passion fuels everything we do. With each project, we bring a new perspective to the table, ensuring every experience is truly one-of-a-kind.

Collaborating with our clients is a true pleasure, and we're grateful to embark on these exciting journeys together. Kaizen is a manifestation of this passion—a testament to our dedication to crafting immersive narratives that captivate and inspire. At the heart of our company culture is a commitment to continuous improvement. It is our commitment to culture that is ultimately the North Star that guides us: we believe in embracing challenges, seeking feedback, and constantly evolving to stay at the forefront of innovation. 

With Kaizen, we invite you to join us on a journey of discovery and inspiration. Together, let's continue to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Dive in to Kaizen now.